Indicators (12/119)

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Bid prices are unusall high (51)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if the winning bid price is much higher than cost estimates or industry averages AND/OR bid prices drop when a new or infrequent bidder enters the bidding process AND/OR persistently high or increasingly high bid prices by all bidders

Bidders have close ties to each other (55)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if a successful bidder subcontracts work to losing bidder(s), which may include those that withdraw their bids AND/OR cross-ownership of bidding companies or family ties (similar names of key staff and owners or family members own the bidding companies)

Bidders lose on purpose (52)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if a company withdraws its bid often without explanation AND/OR submits incomplete bids too frequently AND/OR submits a fraudulent bid security (indicating that it knows it is not going to win) AND/OR company submits unusually high bid prices (especially if prices are rounded or unnatural numbers occur)

Bidders take turns winning (54)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there are only a few companies in the market that always bid together and they take turns winning

Business similarities (34)

Country: INT
Language: English

This indicator indicates risk if there is a suspicious bid pattern between bidders, like same or similar telephone or facsimile numbers or address shared by bidders

Framework agreement with several bidders - number of participants is too low (92)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator is only relevant in case of procurement procedures for framework agreements and it tells if the procuring entity intends to conclude framework agreements with fewer bidders than the legal minimum (3). This indicator is built upon legal provisions.

Lack of bidders (56)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if (more than half of the) companies that buy the bidding documents refrain from submitting bids AND/OR substantially fewer bids have been received than in previous, similar tender AND/OR well-known qualified companies do not bid, especially if they purchased the bidding documents

Number of bids (99)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

This numeric indicator tells a risk from the relevant field of the award notices if the number of bids per procedure (part) is under 3, but also shows if 1 or 2 bids have been submitted.

Risk of cartel (112)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator tells if the subject of the procurement falls into an area carrying increased risk as defined by the Hungarian Competition Authority based on analysis of former agreements restricting competition. This indicator relies both on external data and data of relevant field of the procurement call.

Unreasonably high bid prices by losing bidders (35)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there is a suspicious bid pattern that consists of unreasonably high bid prices submitted by losing bidders for which there is no legitimate explanation and which cannot be attributed to an error. The World Bank does not indicate accurate ratio for suspiciously high amount.